LARGE FILES - If your file exceeds 30MB you can send it via We Transfer, Drop Box or High Tail.
PREFERRED FORMATS - AI, EPS, PDF, SVG: Vector format files are preferred with fonts converted to outlines.
OTHER FORMATS - When necessary we can also accept PSD, PNG, JPG. These are considered raster files and should be high resolution. The file resolution will need to be 150-300 dots per inch at full print size.
COLORS - Please specify if you have an exact Pantone shade we are to match.
RASTER VS VECTOR - Raster artwork is made of small dots called pixels. When raster images are enlarged, pixels become visible and the image loses its crisp lines. The image can become jagged and rough. Vector artwork is composed of paths. When enlarged, the quality of the image remains the same. This makes vector graphics much more versatile and easy to use.
NO ARTWORK OR DESIGN? WE CAN HELP! - If you do not have artwork files, we can help you create designs, typeset and layout ideas. Please contact us so we can design your artwork to your specifications.
VECTOR FILES-CONVERTING TYPE TO OUTLINES - We must know you have an exact font to use when submitting files. This helps us avoid font issues. To verify that your file has all content converted to outlines, open your file in Adobe Illustrator. Select all content and choose Type>Create Outlines. If you have any questions, please contact us.